Environmental, Social and Governance

Environmental, Social and Governance



We’re driven to create a more sustainable future.

For a bigger positive impact, HKBN is fully embracing our role as an ESG enabler – a strategy focussed on empowering the sustainability of our enterprise and residential customers, as well as community groups like NGOs and social enterprises, our suppliers & value chain partners, and more.

HKBN ESG Strategy
Lead as an Innovative ESG Enabler

Talent Co-Ownership
Talent Co-Ownership
  1. Talent interest alignment
  2. Talent obsessed engagement and development
  3. Diversity and inclusion
Technology for Good
Technology for Good
  1. Market-ready ESG solutions
  2. Digital inclusion for our communities
Transforming Business
Transforming Business
  1. Climate action
  2. Impactful customer experiences
  3. Data privacy and security
  4. Reliable and responsible services
  5. Win-win-win partnership and value chain
William YEUNG
Make our Home a Better Place to Live is the North Star which guides us to overachieve in everything we do. Over the past several years, we have set ambitious ESG goals for our business, a rarity for Hong Kong companies in our industry. As an industry ESG leader and enabler, we continue to harness new business opportunities in ESG, and deepen ESG across our operations.
William YEUNG
Co-Owner and Executive Vice-chairman & Group Chief Executive Officer
ESG Governance

ESG Governance

As one of the few publicly traded companies in Hong Kong with a dedicated Board-level ESG Committee, we take ESG governance seriously. ESG governance and management are embedded at all levels of HKBN, including our Board of Directors, ESG Committee, ESG Task Force and Business Units.  

With support from our ESG Committee, our Board oversees and is accountable for HKBN’s overall ESG strategy, development and performance. The ESG Committee, comprising elected members from our Board, is responsible for reviewing and monitoring ESG strategies, risk management, policies and practices, as well as assessing and providing recommendations regarding our Group’s ESG-related structures and business models. The ESG Committee also oversees the ESG Task Force, which assists in driving our Group’s ESG development. 


HKBN’s relentless commitment to ESG puts us among the best in the world – and tops in our industry – when it comes to sustainability.


ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Information Technology — Service Management
ISO 10002:2018 Quality Management — Customer Satisfaction
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management SystemsHKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited
HKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited

Sales administration, project management, design and provision of customer provisioning services, installation and technical services, accounting servicing, contact center services and customer care services for products and services offered in accordance with the Fixed Telecommunications Network Service (FTNS) license.

HKBN JOS Limited

The provision of IT infrastructure Managed Services consisting of Data Centre service, Service Desk service, Network and System management service to customers.
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management SystemHKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited
HKBN JOS Limited

Design and supply infrastructure and solutions to the customer to enhance and extend their communication systems. End-to-end solutions include technical consultancy, design, installation, testing and commissioning, maintenance and optimization of communication systems.
ISO 10002:2018 Quality Management - Customer SatisfactionHKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited
HKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited

Complaint management system for sales administration, project management, design and provision of customer provisioning services, installation and technical services, contact center services and customer care services for products and services offered in accordance with the Fixed Telecommunications Network Service (FTNS) license.
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited
HKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKBN JOS Limited

The Environmental Management Systems that supports the provision and operation of Data Centre Management Services, Business Continuity Services, Business Recovery Services, Disaster Recovery Services and Tape Vault Services.
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 IT Service Management SystemHKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited

The IT Service Management System of HKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited supporting the provision of internet data centre services, consisting of data centre facilities management services, network and system management services, internet connectivity services, 24x7 technical services, and IT operation and support services to external customers from Hong Kong.

HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited

The IT Service Management System of HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited supporting the provision and operation of Data Centre Management Services, Business Continuity Services, Business Recovery Services, Disaster Recovery Services and Tape Vault Services to internal and external customers from Hong Kong Headquarter.

HKBN JOS Limited

The provision of IT Infrastructure Managed Services consisting of Data Centre service, Service Desk service, Network and System management service to customers.
ISO/IEC 270001:2013 Information Security Management SystemsHKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited

The Information Security Management System supporting the provision of internet data centre services, consisting of data centre facilities management services, network and system management services, internet connectivity services, 24x7 technical services, and IT operation and support services.

HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited

The Information Security Management System that supports the provision and operation of Data Centre Management Services, Business Continuity Services, Business Recovery Services, Disaster Recovery Services, Tape Vault Services, and Security Operation Centre Managed Security Services.

HKBN JOS Limited

The provision of Data Centre services to external customers.